Let’s face it, in today’s technological world, if you are planning to go mobile, the iPhone seems to be the way to go. It is almost like carrying around your own tiny personal computer. I personally don’t have one…yet. I say “yet” because I do plan to get one within the next six months to a year. And of course, when I do get one, I am going to need some
iPhone accessories in order to enhance my mobile experience. I think it’s a good idea to start looking around for those accessories now.

Today, I was browsing around the web looking for an
iPhone case and came across the coolest thing I’ve seen in years! Check it out! It’s an
XtremeMac Sportswrap Armband Case! This kind of thing is perfect for me, because I ride a bike or walk wherever I go (since my poor car got wrecked - don’t feel sorry for me, I need the exercise). I would highly recommend this case to anyone who takes part in sports or someone who walks or jogs everyday to stay fit and healthy. Hey, that’s what being mobile is all about, right?
However, if you drive a car, you may want to invest in an
iPhone car charger. Believe me, if I have a new car by the time I have an iPhone, I will definitely get one of these. When out and about, no one wants to have to search around for an electrical jack to plug in your phone if it the battery gets low, now do they? Of course not. That is why it is always good to have one of these around.
If you already have an iPhone, or you’re planning to buy one and you’re looking around for accessories, I recommend you check out
MobileFun. Looks like they have everything you will need.
nice to see technology improving. this iphone car charger we can use with 2g and 3g? thanks for any help.